Moving With Kids

Did you know? There are over 7.7 million families with dependent children in the UK. At any one time, approx 3% of residents in the UK are in the process of moving. That equates to lots of houses with children up for sale!

We love our own 5 kids however when it comes to moving home they can make the whole process a little bit more difficult.

'Kids can cause distractions!'

They can make our homes look untidy. They can even put buyers off sometimes by just stealing the attention!

Here are our top tips for selling your home with kids and what you need to do.

It’s time to tell kids
Once you have decided you are moving, you need to tell the kids. Make it sound like an exciting adventure. If you are stopping locally reassure them that they’ll keep their same school friends. Make the move sound attractive with promises of a bigger bedroom or a garden they can play in.

Clear off the fridge magnets and de-clutter
Now the kids are told it time’s to de-clutter. Fridge magnets, play school paintings and the baby sterilisers all need hiding away. These are items which detract from your kitchen. Clear the bathroom of bath time toys. Hideaway the fireguard. Show off the space you really have!

Invest in a toy box
There may be families who have children looking at your home but that doesn’t mean they want to see your kids toys everywhere! Buyers want to see the space. A beautifully organised kids room is much more attractive and could just help clinch a sale. Keep toys out of your main living area’s wherever possible.

Take the kids out on viewings day
Take the kids out when viewers come around. This allows your potential buyers to really look around your home. If the kids are in they’ll only steal the attention or even worse play up leaving your buyers running for the hills!

Do you have children? Are you thinking about moving? If you would like us to find a way to make it easier for you, please give us a call.

Roy & Faye O'Connell

We are here to help you